The adventures of Rich, Liz Ann, and Molly

My photo
Central New Jersey
We're a little family with a love for Jesus, movies, good food, our friends, family, and each other!


Sorry for the delay on getting pictures up! We've all been adjusting to the new addition to our family. She is so precious! These are pictures from last week, and I should have some new ones sooner rather than later.

My mom has been here since a week and a half before Molly decided to make her appearance and just left yesterday, a day shy of Molly being 2 weeks old. We all miss having her here! It was such a blessing to have her help, her company, and her craftiness (I have new chair cushions). I think I got spoiled by the extra help.

Well, enjoy the pictures and maybe I'll update more if I can get the hang of feeding and typing at the same time!


Time to Come Home!

We have arrived at home and are so excited to have Molly with us! She did great during the car ride home. We were welcomed by Mom who had some beautiful pink hydrangeas planted and a balloon out front to announce Molly's arrival. The animals were very interested in this new person in their home,, but Molly is pretty oblivious to all of that. Right now her hobbies are eating and getting snuggled. More to come later!


Molly Lin has arrived!

Mary Grace "Molly" Lin has arrived! March 13th, 2008 at 7 pm. She is 7 lbs 6 ounces and 21 inches long. Mommy and baby are doing great, a little tired, but in great shape.

The plan is to be home from the hospital on Saturday.

Thank you all for your prayers. Here are some pictures from yesterday and this morning. I'm sure there are much more to come. =)



Leaving for the hospital in approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes! Getting the inducement process going tonight, so we'll probably have an arrival some time on the 13th. YAY! We'll update when we get home. Love you all! ~The Lins


A slideshow while we wait...

We have a visit to the Dr. tomorrow for a non-stress test
which will check on how the baby is doing. We have a
possible inducement on Thursday, but that all depends
on how things go tomorrow. Here's a little slide show
with pictures of Molly's room. The picture of the window
did not turn out well, but all of her stuffed animals are on
a shelf over the window. Enjoy!