The adventures of Rich, Liz Ann, and Molly

My photo
Central New Jersey
We're a little family with a love for Jesus, movies, good food, our friends, family, and each other!


3 months old!

I can't believe Molly is already 3 months old. She is a great baby and such a joy to Rich and me. In the last month, she's developed so much! She is such a talker and sometimes will not even let you get a word in. Molly likes to sit in my lap to be read to, and she's trying so hard to roll over, but is not quite there yet. She loves bath time and has discovered splashing and kicking is so much fun. She's sleeping through the night now, from about 11 to 7:30 with a brief waking at 6:00 am when she's realized she's lost her paci. The sleeping through the night part is absolutely wonderful since Rich and I are finally feeling like normal.

Rich is still working hard to build up the business. He has a few projects going right now and is always looking for more customers. Here's a link to a some information about diamond buying he's working on: Diamonds99

Please continue to pray for our family and our business. Thanks!