The adventures of Rich, Liz Ann, and Molly

My photo
Central New Jersey
We're a little family with a love for Jesus, movies, good food, our friends, family, and each other!


Loooong Overdue!

September was a big month! We had a lot of fun things going on. Molly was 6 months old on September 13, so we had a little party with Rich's family complete with moon cakes... mmmm.

We also had Molly's baby dedication at church. We left the camera at home, but fortunately our friend Eddie, a photographer, had his camera with him. We haven't seen the pictures yet, but I'm sure they're great.

We also took MOlly to the beach for the first time. It was an absolutely beautiful day and we had such a relaxing time walking around Long Branch, NJ. We're nominating this place for a future Fields family reunion since it's a sweet little beach town, but also has a ferry to New York City!

Molly has gotten her second bottom tooth and has started slowly crawling. Just about every day we're surprised by some new sound she's making or something new she laughs at. I feel truly blessed to be able to stay home with her and get to see all of these things, and I know Rich likes working from home for the same reasons.