The adventures of Rich, Liz Ann, and Molly

My photo
Central New Jersey
We're a little family with a love for Jesus, movies, good food, our friends, family, and each other!


Someday Soon

Hopefully, someday soon, my techie hubby will get this blog in order where everything isn't so off-centered and messy. I'd like to start all over, but I have yet to find the "return to default" button.

We just got back to New Jersey last night at around 8:00. Rich brought everything in while I whipped up a very quick dinner. Molly wasn't in the best of moods, but was glad to be out of the carseat("torture seat" if you ask her). After dinner and a bath, she was finally in bed at 9:15.

This morning when she woke up, I expected a little crankiness due to the late hour she got to bed and the crazy schedule of the last few days. She was more than a little cranky, and a mid-morning nap attempt did not help at all. I finally noticed that she wasn't moving her right hand and arm as much as her left. Unusual since she favors her right most of the time. After close examination, I could see her right wrist was swollen, confirmed by Rich :-(. We're thinking it was sprained during our very short trip to Virginia Beach while we held her by the hands/wrists to pick her up out of the waves. After a call to the pediatrician and a conversation with a nurse, broken bones was ruled out since Molls is still using her hand and arm a little, and easily lifts her arms up over her head. Still, if it isn't "all better" tomorrow, I'm taking her to the pediatrician just to be on the safe side.

I literally feel pain in my arms when I see her wince a little if she puts too much pressure on the wrist. I've felt "sympathy pains" for a few years now when I see someone else get hurt or hear about it, but it's much more intense when Molly is hurt. I was even lightheaded when she scraped her knee a few weeks ago.

Wanting to take Molly's pain away, wishing it was me instead of her, it's definitely one of those mommy experiences you have to have to understand. Rich is feeling it, too, and get's a sad look on his face whenever he looks at her wrist. Ahhhh, parenthood. Such an incredible gift and blessing, even when painful.
