The adventures of Rich, Liz Ann, and Molly

My photo
Central New Jersey
We're a little family with a love for Jesus, movies, good food, our friends, family, and each other!


Do March Showers bring April flowers?

In the last few weeks we have had some of the most gorgeous weather here in New Jersey, followed by the most dreary. Molly and I absolutely basked in the glow of the toasty warm sun several afternoons, and I've got pictures to prove it! Rich and I also had a chance for a picnic date at a park one sunny Saturday afternoon.

Without the pictures, I might not believe we actually had such nice weather only days ago. Looking outside right now, it's a wet mess with no signs of stopping. Our play group Easter Egg Hunt was postponed from last Thursday to this one, and the weather should perk up just in time.

In other news (bored with the weather chit chat yet?) we've bought a house and have ours on the market. House being bought, pics to be posted later. We haven't had our inspection yet and I don't want to jinx anything! Supposedly, our house will be getting an offer tomorrow, which the real estate agent wants to do in person. Strange. Not really my cup of tea for a stranger to come to my house to try and pressure me into selling it at a price considered reasonable to probably only her clients. I don't do well with pushy, though I know I am pushy myself. Why can't we communicate through phone calls via OUR real estate agent like everyone else? I guess I'm not very optimistic about it being a good offer if they feel the need for a pressure tactic. We shall see!