The adventures of Rich, Liz Ann, and Molly

My photo
Central New Jersey
We're a little family with a love for Jesus, movies, good food, our friends, family, and each other!


Off the charts and "marrying off" our friends...

Countdown to Kentucky visit: 7 days! We are really looking forward to a long visit with the Hancocks in just a week. Mom has been temporarily out of commission so it'll be good to help her out while we're there. And Erin has started a new dance studio so I'm excited to see her new place of business. And I (Elizabeth Ann) have still not seen Sam's hog barns, and I'm hoping there will be little piggies when we get there.

Well, our big news here is that at Molly's 4 month appointment she was off the charts for height! What in the world?! Literally off the charts. She's 26 3/4 inches at 4 months. She has all sorts of new things going on like rolling over both ways, getting her toes into her mouth, standing up and bouncing, and a lot more giggling. Her favorite things to do are playing with Daddy's hair and playing peek-a-boo with Mommy. She's one awesome little girl!

In other July news, we were in Minnesota for our friends Joe and Amanda's wedding over the weekend of the 4th. The wedding was wonderful! Amanda looked beautiful, Joe danced (a little), Rich danced (a lot, Michael Jackson moves included), Molly was an angel, the photographer was hilarious, and the Electric Slide was passed down to yet another generation (Amanda's cute little sister). Here's some pics from our first trip to the Land of a Thousand Lakes.

We also had a litt
le "Meet Molly" party so we could catch up with friends we haven't seen much or at all since Molly was born. It was so fun entertaining in our home again! I don't think we realized how much we missed it. Now if the college students would just come back to town so we can resume game nights :o)

1 comment:

The Pungs said...

yesssss! we made the lincredibles website! we are so honored :) we hope we can see you guys again soon! you should come over to play with the Wii with us. We have guitar heroes (III and Aerosmith) and Wii Fit. hugs and love!