The adventures of Rich, Liz Ann, and Molly

My photo
Central New Jersey
We're a little family with a love for Jesus, movies, good food, our friends, family, and each other!


The last post before Molly arrives... I hope?

Not too much news yet. The ultrasound showed that Baby Molly's head is, in fact, down. At the last Dr.'s appointment, he said he would probably see me next week, meaning he doesn't think anything will happen between now and next Tuesday. Next Tuesday happens to be my due date. So at least I'll be doing something on that day, even if it's just an appointment and a trip to Target on the way home. Honestly, Molly has run out of room and I'm ready to evict her from the "mommy condo."

My mom will be coming to stay with us to help out after we come home from the hospital, which will be such a blessing. She'll be staying with my cousin Heather who lives a couple of hours away in Pennsylvania over the weekend and awaiting our phone call that we're headed to deliver. The next visitor will be my Dad, who happens to have business in New Jersey the 10th and 11th of March. If Molly does not come on her own, Dr. Shapiro said we would induce on the 12th, but Dad flies out that day! Pray she comes before then or that Doc will let me be induced a couple of days early.

Rich has been really busy with the business lately, working a lot of hours. I guess that's how it goes when you're starting out and learning the ropes. I'm so glad he's working from home or I don't think I'd see much of him! He is finally ready for the baby to come, and is hoping she'll make her appearance over the weekend! Wouldn't that be nice. I'm pretty sure babies don't come on our schedules, though. I just hope she arrives healthy and -let's be honest- not too big!

1 comment:

The Pungs said...

Thinking about you today! Guess Molly already has a stubborn streak, huh? :P Hugs and love and prayers to the three of you from Dan and I.