The adventures of Rich, Liz Ann, and Molly

My photo
Central New Jersey
We're a little family with a love for Jesus, movies, good food, our friends, family, and each other!


To get things started...

Since we each had our own individual blogs and were often posting similar announcements, info, etc, we think it's a good idea to have a combination blog. So, we'll be using this blog as our "family blog" from this point on, and I suspect I (Elizabeth Ann) will be the primary author on here.

So to start things out, I am officially 36 weeks preggo today, and that means I'm in the home stretch. Just a month to go, give or take a few days, depending on when this little one wants to arrive.

The day Molly (Mary Grace) is due is 3.04.08, but I think it's only 5% of babies that actually come on their due date, so it is nothing more than a guesstimate. We have just about everything ready, her room is decorated, the teeny tiniest of clothes are washed with Dreft, a hospital bag is packed for her, one has been started for me, and -other than a few minor things- we think we have all we need to get this parenting thing started. I like having the "stuff" prepared so at least we won't be thinking about that while learning through all of the things you really can't be very prepared for, like the lack of sleep, long crying spells, etc. We're ready for her to be here, excited about her arrival, and -let's be honest-, a little afraid! We'd be crazy not to be concerned about such a big change in life. :)

Speaking of changes, most of you probably already know that Rich and I are no longer on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ. We think God was calling us in a different direction, so Rich has started his own internet consulting business, Forward Internet Solutions. He has been busy with all that it takes to start up a business such as networking, mailings, phone calls, learning the ins and outs of the paperwork and presentations, and lots of prayer! I've tried to help when and where I can (I'm the cook and office manager ;), but Rich has definitely been the one putting in the hours. Please pray for promising leads, referrals, and for new customers to sign with us.

We'll keep you posted!


Tonya Dixon said...

E.A. and Rich,
Enjoy your time alone together now, cause it will certainly change after Molly arrives! Glad to hear from you, hope to see you sometime when you are in the Bluegrass state!
Kris, Tonya, Josiah, and Micah

ginger said...

hootie hoot!! i really like your blog!! i can tell you are excited and you should be. your lives are about to change tremendously. i will continue to pray for all the wonderful blessings God has in store for your family. love you lots - ginger

Unknown said...

I love you guys! I'm so excited for you both to have Molly soon! And I also like that your blog name is the 'lincredibles' ...i think thats awesome haha.